Wednesday, 8 June 2016

3 Home Exercises To Fix Your Rounded Shoulders In One Month

Rounded shoulders are especially common with office or computer-based workers. Without near-perfect posture, sitting for long periods soon leads to hunching of the shoulders and bending forward of the lower back.

Friday, 3 June 2016

5 Fitness Tips Every Full-Time Working Mom Must Try!!!

The sit-ups. The push-ups. The cardio. You’ve got so much exercising to do, but your life is packed full. You don’t have enough time to fit it all in.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Health Benefits of Stair Climbing

Stair climbing is a unique form of exercise that can have a powerful and positive impact on your health over time.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


Have you ever wondered why some exercise rooms are painted red? Did you know bright yellow is the most fatiguing of all colors?